
Team Learning—Dialogue vs. Discussion

Read Article as PDF YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Highlight 1 key point that stands out to you from this paper. Bring your 1 key insight with you to our session. Dialogue: Critical Skill for Enhanced Communication, Teamwork, Learning & Results Q:   What is the key reason most improvement efforts (and many businesses) fail?...

Optimal Learning System

Read Article as PDF The OptiLearning System™ ~ How to learn and remember 500%+ in half the time or less. Enhances learning quality, integration, long-term memory & joy in learning. KEY:  HOW any material is learned is as important as WHAT is being learned. The Learning Context (environment) is the vital foundation...

8 Principles for Learning

Read Article as PDF A study aligns the reality of work in the field with XBS’s overall change strategy ~ by Christina Novicki Part of the XBS change strategy was a 14-month assessment conducted by Senior Research Scientist Brigitte Jordan and a team of researchers from Xerox PARC ( Palo Alto...